Comprehensive Pain Management for Vertebral Compression Fractures

Pain Clinic Rutherfordton NC

If you are caring for a loved one who has cancer or is an older adult with osteoporosis, it’s important to have a basic understanding of vertebral compression fractures. Having a clear idea of what to look for in those we care for will help prevent further injury or pain. Our comprehensive pain management team put together this beginner’s guide to this common chronic pain condition. Read on to learn more.


What are Vertebral Compression Fractures?

A vertebral compression fracture can also be referred to as a spinal compression fracture. It is a fracture that can happen when the bones of the spine break due to trauma. This can also be caused by osteoporosis, cancer and other conditions. 

When bones are brittle, everyday activities can trigger minor fractures or cracks in the bones (vertebrae) of the spine.  These tiny fractures can permanently alter the strength and shape of the spine.  About two-thirds of spinal compression fractures are never diagnosed because many patients and families think the back pain is merely a sign of aging and arthritis.  


Who is at Risk? 

Unlike many other chronic pain conditions, vertebral compression fractures tend to occur in a smaller selection of the population. Specifically, there are two groups of people who are at the highest risk for spinal compression fractures:

  • People with the bone-weakening disease, osteoporosis

  • People with cancer that has spread to their bones

If you or someone you love is in one of those two categories, it’s important to connect with a comprehensive pain management specialist to learn more. Even if you are not currently experiencing pain, your care team will be able to help you be proactive about risk mitigation. They can also do a series of tests or scans which will help them identify any additional signs of stress or strain on your spine.



Symptoms for vertebral compression fractures can vary from person to person. It’s important that you are being seen regularly by a member of your care team so that even subtle symptoms can be documented. The most common symptoms of a vertebral compression fracture include: 

  • Sudden, severe back pain (though many times the symptoms can come on gradually and worsen over time)

  • Worsening of pain when standing or walking

  • Some pain relief when lying down

  • Difficulty/pain when bending or twisting

  • Loss of height

  • Deformity of the spine – the curved, "hunchback" shape

  • Incontinence or inability to urinate



When receiving treatment for a vertebral compression fracture, it’s important to understand that pain relief is only one essential goal. Your doctor will also be looking for ways to prevent future fractures and create more stability in your spine. Some of the ways he or she can do this is through the following treatments:

  • Specialized braces

  • Pain medication

  • Bone strengthening supplements/medication

  • Kyphoplasty

  • Vertebroplasty


Pain Clinic Rutherfordton NC

When seeing a chronic pain specialist, they will do more than just treat the pain. They will perform a thorough examination and walk through your health history. They will also get a clear understanding of how pain is impacting your quality of life. At CPC, we care for you like you are family. If you don’t currently have a chronic pain specialist on your care team, contact us to schedule a consultation. We are here for you in 15 convenient Asheville-area locations!