Herniated Disc Pain— Pain Treatment Center in Asheville

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The term “herniated disk” is associated with a problem with one of the disks (or rubbery cushions) that sits between the vertebrae of your spine. This can become a common issue as our bodies age. Some people have herniated disks with no pain symptoms at all, while others experience high levels of pain or discomfort. 

Here at Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas, a pain treatment center in Asheville, we know how painful and disruptive a herniated disk can be in your life. Let’s get into the details of this condition and when you should call your pain doctor.


About Herniated Discs

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Spinal disks are made up of a soft center and a tougher exterior. A herniated disk will occur when some of the disk’s center pushes out through a tear—pressing on the nerves in your spine. This causes irritation resulting in pain, numbness or weakness in the arms, legs, neck and back.

Common Symptoms: 

  • Tingling or numbness in your arms and shoulders

  • Weakness in your arms

  • Pain in your neck or back


Interested in learning more about herniated discs and the associated pain? Check out our informative video right here.



A herniated disk can occur in any area of the spin—from the top near your neck down to your lower back. It most commonly occurs as a result of age-related wear and tear (disk degeneration). Other factors that can lead to herniated disk include:

  • Demanding careers or activities: Overtime, people with physically demanding jobs have a greater risk of back problems. Any form of repetitive pulling, lifting, bending or twisting increases your risk.

  • Sudden movement or strain: Jarring motions, lifting heavy objects or twisting can cause damage to a disk.

  • Overweight: Extra weight puts stress on the disks in your lower back.

  • Smoking: Tobacco use decreases oxygen intake which can weaken spinal tissue.

  • Genetics: Herniated disks can be hereditary, meaning some people are more predisposed to developing the condition than others.


Treatment Options

Pain doctors typically begin a diagnosis using spinal imaging to inspect your spine. Depending on the severity of the herniated disk, treatment could include epidural steroid injections or spinal cord stimulation. The pain doctors in Asheville NC can help find the best treatment combination from physical therapy to minimally invasive produces and medications.


Pain Treatment Center in Asheville for Herniated Disks 

It’s important to call your doctor if you have neck or back pain that lasts longer than a few days—or if it begins to travel down your arms or legs. We are here to help you overcome a herniated disk or any other chronic pain issue you might be experiencing. Schedule a time to come in and get an expert opinion today! We can’t wait to meet you.


Get in touch with us by calling 828-483-4438


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