Myths (and Facts) about Pain Management

Living with chronic pain can be daunting and often frustrating to navigate on your own. Constant discomfort interferes with everyday tasks and may lead to depression and anxiety; pain management is a complex field with numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding it.

Our pain management team in Arden & Fletcher NC (clinic locations also throughout Western North Carolina) will dispel some of the more frequently held misconceptions about pain management, providing facts-based answers so you can make more informed decisions regarding care and treatment options. Read on!


Myth #1: Pain is all in your head.

Fact: Although pain perception may occur in the brain, chronic pain is a real physical condition caused by multiple sources, including injury, inflammation, nerve damage or disease. We recognize that chronic pain should be seen as more than simply symptoms: it should be treated like any disease with appropriate therapy options available to alleviate it. Chronic pain can not only physically cripple its victims but can also become emotionally and psychologically distressful for both you and your loved ones.


Myth #2: Pain medication is the only effective solution to chronic pain management.

Fact: While medication can play an integral role in managing pain, it's not the only solution available to you for managing discomfort. Other approaches, including minimally invasive procedures (for instance nerve block injections or joint injections), cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical therapy and lifestyle changes may all also provide effective solutions. Check out our list of core pain management treatments right here.


Myth #3: All pain medications are addictive.

Fact: While pain medication can be harmful if taken incorrectly, not everyone who takes it becomes addicted. When used as prescribed by healthcare professionals and used sparingly over a short period, painkillers can be an invaluable asset in managing chronic pain. At our Arden & Fletcher NC area pain clinics, our team takes this process very seriously! To protect all our patients' safety, we advise all to use caution in taking their prescribed painkillers and understand all associated risks, side effects and benefits prior to making their decision - click here for more info!


Myth #4: You cannot exercise with chronic pain.

Fact: Exercise can be an extremely beneficial method for managing chronic pain. Physical therapy and regular physical activity may even be recommended by healthcare providers as part of comprehensive pain treatment plans.

Low-impact exercises are an effective way to relieve pain and enhance mobility and health. Here are a few low-impact exercise ideas:

·      Walking

·      Swimming/water aerobics

·      Yoga

·      Pilates

·      Tai chi.

We've come to realize that lifestyle and physical activity choices can make an enormous impactful difference on pain levels!


Myth: You just have to live with chronic pain, forever.

Fact: Chronic pain can be managed effectively with an integrated multidisciplinary approach. Depending on your condition, there is not always a cure but there are various effective treatment methods available that can help manage pain and enhance quality of life. Our Arden & Fletcher NC pain doctors can work with you to develop a customized plan that addresses the source of the discomfort while offering lasting relief.


Pain Management in Arden & Fletcher, North Carolina

The Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas can help you overcome chronic pain! We offer services such as medication management, injections, nerve blocks, physical therapy and pain phycology. Our team of experienced pain management specialists in Western North Carolina will collaborate on creating a tailored treatment plan specifically to you—don't allow chronic discomfort to keep you from living an active life—contact us now and schedule your consultation!