Pain-Free Spring Activities

pain free spring activities

Who doesn’t love the arrival of Spring? The colors return to nature, the pleasant song of local birds can be heard once again, and we can once again enjoy being active in the great outdoors! Unfortunately, chronic pain often threatens to throw a damper on that fun by restricting activities. That’s why we’ve put together this list of pain-free spring activities for you to enjoy. Read on to learn more (and then go enjoy all that fresh spring air has to offer)!



The top reason we frequently recommend bicycling, especially for those who live with chronic back pain, is because it’s far gentler on the spine than other aerobic activities. In addition to that, adaptive technology has come a long way in bicycle design. There are several contemporary models that go even further in protecting the spine, wrists and knees. For example:

  • Electric Assist (E-Assist) Hybrid Bicycles: A standard bicycle with an adjustable electric motor to help make the ride a little less strenuous.

  • Comfort Cruiser Bicycles: Extra padding and higher handles make this option an excellent choice for those with arthritis. (Note: Best for using on paved paths.)

  • Recumbent Bicycles: Uniquely positioned bicycle which puts the rider low to the ground and in a reclined position to reduce low back stress.

Our Morganton NC pain management (locations also in 14 additional North Carolina locations) specialists especially recommend taking your bicycle for a spin on the trails in one of our gorgeous local park systems. Be sure to do a little bit of research beforehand to ensure the trail you are wanting to try offers a safe level of challenge especially if you are a beginner.



While hiking can certainly be a year-round activity, springtime offers a few additional benefits. Nothing beats the views of springtime in the Western North Carolina mountains [except maybe the fall views, that is]. We highly recommend starting your season out with a trip to DuPont State Forest for some of the nation’s best hiking trails

Take your time and enjoy yourself when you hike – don't push your body beyond what is comfortable for you. Even with an activity like hiking, it’s important to consult with a member of your care team to ensure you're not doing something that will impede your pain-related progress. Finally, be sure to get a pair of quality hiking boots before you set out on your first off-road adventure.


Modified Gardening

Many people who live with chronic pain are under the impression that gardening if off limits to them. We are thrilled to report that modern gardening techniques have made this an outdated rule. There are many accommodations and innovations available that have completely transformed the discomfort traditionally associated with gardening.

If gardening is your springtime passion, we encourage you to try one or more of the following options:

  • Raised beds: Gardens made in boxes which are raised up off the ground to a height that reduces uncomfortable bending, lifting and twisting

  • Planter Carts: Mobile carts that come in a variety of styles, colors and types which are raised and able to plant directly in without hurting your knees or back

  • Ergonomic benches, stools and scooters: Comfortable seating that allows a person a more comfortable approach to traditional gardening

We also recommend taking the time to stretch before beginning your gardening routine. A little bit of warm up goes a long way in preventing injury. If you are unsure of the best techniques to use for your specific condition(s), our Morganton NC pain managementspecialists (locations also in 14 additional Asheville area clinics) would be happy to help you create a custom plan.



If you’ve never given bird watching, also known as “birding,” a try, we encourage you to make it one of your goals for this Spring. It’s a fantastic low-impact activity that will also allow you to tap into your competitive side a bit.

You might be surprised to discover how much more enjoyable your hikes become when you couple them with an earnest search for Slate-colored Juncos, Ruffed Grouse or an Eastern Whip-poor-will. If you are brand new to birding, check out a local guide first to help you learn the ropes.


Pain Clinic Morganton NC

Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas strives to be accessible to patients throughout Asheville and the surrounding areas. For this reason, we have intentionally opened pain clinic locations just north, south, east, and west of the Asheville city center. Find Comprehensive Pain Consultants clinic locations nearest to you. We strive to serve you as the best pain management associates in Asheville and beyond!