How Stretching Leads to Pain Relief – Asheville Pain Clinic

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Although many people only think of stretching as part of an exercise warm-up or cool-down, the reality is that it can be a vital component to improving pain symptoms. Before getting started with any stretching or exercising program, get in touch with the Asheville pain clinic at the Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas. Our physical therapists will discuss your pain levels with you and recommend customized stretches to meet your needs. Read on to get our tips on how stretching leads to chronic pain relief!


What are the Pain Relief Benefits of Stretching?

Performing simple stretches on a regular basis is an easy practice that can have major payoffs. Stretching can help bring alignment to your joints from your shoulders, hips, and knees all the way down do your ankles. When our bodies are properly aligned, inflammation decreases and mobility increases—helping lessen chronic pain. Other benefits of stretching include decreased fatigue and stress while enhancing coordination, flexibility and increasing the oxygen flow in your body. 

A consistent stretching plan can relieve stiffness and improve your range of motion drastically! How does this work? Stretching improves blood flow throughout the body which helps to relieve tension and overall pain.


Tips for Stretching and Pain Relief

Before getting started with a stretching routine, keep the following in mind:

  • Stay consistent! Stretching will only improve symptoms if performed regularly, such as once per day for a set amount of time.

  • Stretch after physical activity such as walking, swimming or biking.

  • Don’t force difficult positions. Listen to your body and keep stretching pain free.

  • Remember to breathe. Breathe deeply while stretching.

  • Hold stretches for 30+ seconds. This allows your joints and muscles to property loosen.

  • Stretch your whole body. Focus not only on the painful area but also on other parts of the body too.


Stretching & Pain Management Treatments 

If you’re suffering from any type of chronic pain, treatment options can feel overwhelming! Stretching is a valuable component of pain management for anyone suffering with long-term pain.  Check out all of our pain clinic’s wide range of non-surgical and interventional treatment options right here.

Need tips on what stretches to perform? Get in touch with the Asheville pain management doctors to help you get started! Our team of medical professionals and physical therapists can guide you


Asheville Pain Clinic 

Integrating stretching into your daily routine can have major positive impacts. Here at our Asheville Pain clinic, we can offer you a custom plan to treat your chronic pain. Oftentimes, we also recommend a combination of treatments such as physical therapy, steroid injections, kyphoplasty, prescription pain medication and much more. Give us a call today to hear more about all we have to offer!

Get in touch with us by calling 828-483-4438

Disclaimer: You should always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider before beginning any exercise program. The information contained in this article does not constitute medical advice, nor does reading or accessing this information create a patient-provider relationship.  Comments that you post will be shared with all visitors to this page. All comments are not governed by HIPAA and you should not post any private health information.